Saturday, February 28, 2009

Poem: Wish I Can Help

With the economy the way it is now, the only way we can help is to help ourselves first. No matter how rich we are, or how poor we are; the only people we can truly focus on now is us. The poor beg for help, but the rich are trying hard to keep themselves up as well. Many more retailers are going out of business this year and the stimulus package that President Obama signed is not enough for them to continue building a foundation to keep things alive. This is the first time where we as humans will learn how to save money, because in the end, the most important things are to keep a roof on your heads, feed yourselves and to keep healthy. That HDTV has to wait now; that new car? Drive something much more economy efficient. America, we're in danger. Though, people complain about Obama being too much of a hopeful, Obama is needed in this country right now.

He DOES instill hope in many of us. Whether we fall or not, he's the one who helps us. In the meantime, here's another little something I wrote. Mike's poetry corner eh?

Today, I saw an old man.
He reached up for my hand.
Asking for financial help, I wish I could
Because, if I had any spare change, I would.
But now, I too am facing a bit of trouble.
Any false move and I too would stumble.

I looked into this man's eyes and shook his hand.
To him, he felt like his life was slipping away like sand.
All I can do is instill hope to someone who has given up.
For I wish I can help; in a world that is so corrupt.
A tear falls from my eye, I wish I can help.
At that moment, no one knew how I felt.

Jobless, I too am suffering, feeling like nothing.
To others, I have money, perhaps I was bluffing.
On a daily note, I dig deep and bury my negativity.
To think of our savior's birth, to think of the nativity.
The birth of a new life, the birth of one to save us all.
However, in the end, it is me to save myself, I can't fall.

At least all I have left is my soul.
The spirit of a raging bull.
One day I will return to you old man.
Perhaps, I can offer you something grand.
Or at least give you the hope that I have.
Or at least give you the chance to laugh.

I wish I can help....I wish I could.
If I could, then I definitely would.
I'm suffering, we're all suffering.
The economy, its sounds are deafening

It's quite odd to say myself in this situation as well. Just a year ago, I was enjoying my life spending as well, donating money to a homeless person, small amounts to charities; now I'm trying to survive without a job, borrowing money and what not. I can't help but say it was my fault to begin with, and though I've been going through job interviews, I do not know if I can continue to survive like this. Both my parents are unemployed as well; help is not on the way. All I can do is pray for a chance somewhere so maybe I can help out a little around the house as I am just another college student who is starving now. In fact, I do not have money to pay for my college either. Wonderful right? Though I can't afford much right now, I still have a lot of hope. For all we can do is hope for the best, do not give up.

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